Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weight reduction

  Minim reg: 2400 calories 

For weight reduction: 1000 calories (daily intake)


 How many calories  need to lose weight?

Men:   BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)
  Women: BMR = 65 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

For Example:
Male, 83 kilos, 181cm
BMR = 66 + (13.7 x 83) + (5 x 181) – (6.8 x 28)
BMR = 66 + 1137.1 + 905 – 190.4
BMR = 1917.7 calories

Total Daily Energy Expenditure

Total Daily Energy Expenditure is the total number that your body burns each day through activity. When you know how many you burn each day through physical activity, then you know the following:
  • How many calories you need each day to maintain your weight
  • How many calories you need each day to lose weight
It is often calculated using the Harris Benedict Equation which multiplies your daily BMR by an activity factor which you choose accordingly (See below).

Activity Factor

Your activity factor is a number determined from a scale based on how active you are on a daily basis.
  • Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) multiply BMR by 1.2
  • Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.375
  • Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.55
  • Heavily active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.725
Total Daily Energy Expenditure = BMR x Activity Factor

My example = 1917 x 1.4 = 2683.8 calories

How does this help me lose weight?

Now that I know my Total Daily Energy Expenditure I know that a daily intake of this amount will help maintain my current weight.
In order to lose weight I know that I need to intake less calories then I burn. This is called a calorie deficit.
So given that my Total Daily Energy Expenditure is 2683.8calories, I might set my goal at a daily intake of 2183 calories, creating a 500 calorie energy deficit. If I burn energy daily at this rate, I can expect to lose roughly 1 pound in a week.

Calories in Fruits per 100 Grams

Calories in Apple 56
Calories in Avocado Pear 190
Calories in Banana 95
Calories in Chickoo 94
Calories in Cherries 70
Calories in Dates 281
Calories in Grapes Black 45
Calories in Guava 66
Calories in Kiwi Fruit 45
Calories in Lychies 61
Calories in Mangoes 70
Calories in Orange 53

Calories in Orange juice 100ml 47
Calories in Papaya 32
Calories in Peach 50
Calories in Pears 51
Calories in Pineapple 46
Calories in Plums 56
Calories in Strawberries 77
Calories in Watermelon 26
Calories in Pomegranate 77

Calories in Vegetables per 100 Grams

Calories in Broccoli 25
Calories in Brinjal 24
Calories in Cabbage 45
Calories in Carrot 48
Calories in Cauliflower 30
Calories in Fenugreek (Methi) 49
Calories in French beans 26
Calories in Lettuce 21
Calories in Mushroom 18
Calories in Onion 50
Calories in Peas 93
Calories in Potato 97
Calories in Spinach 100g
Calories in Spinach 1 leaf
Calories in Tomato 21
Calories in Tomato juice 100ml 22

Calories in Cereals per 100 Grams

Calories in Bajra 360
Calories in Maize flour 355
Calories in Rice 325
Calories in Wheat flour 341
Calories in Breads per piece
1 medium chapatti 119
1 slice white bread 60
1 paratha (no filling) 280

Calories in Milk & Milk Products per cup

Calories in Butter 100gms. 750
Calories in Buttermilk 19
Calories in Cheese 315
Calories in Cream 100gms. 210
Calories in Ghee 100gms 910
Calories in Milk Buffalo 115
Calories in Milk Cow 100
Calories in Milk Skimmed 45
Calories in Other Items
Calories in Sugar 1 tbsp 48
Calories in Honey 1 tbsp 90
Calories in Coconut water 100 ml 25
Calories in Coffee 40
Calories in Tea 30

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